Warrant out for sex party organizer

The Joongang Daily, July 12, 2013

An arrest warrant was granted on Wednesday for Yoon Jung-cheon, a local builder accused of bribing influential people by throwing sex parties at his luxurious vacation home in Wonju, Gangwon, citing the possibility of the suspect destroying evidence or fleeing to evade charges.

The 51-year-old businessman is accused of drugging women at his vacation home and forcing them to provide sexual entertainment for influential figures. Yoon is also suspected of raping women at his villa.

Kim Hak-eui, former vice justice minister, stepped down from the No. 2 position at the Ministry of Justice just six days after his appointment in March due to the bribery allegations surrounding him.

The disgraced former prosecutor has been investigated by the police for multiple counts of rape at a sex party arranged by Yoon. Kim has been hospitalized for a throat condition and has yet to be formally charged.

Other than Kim, the director of a general hospital and a former executive-level official of the Board of Audit and Inspection are also suspected of taking bribes from Yoon. In return for his favors, Yoon won construction orders and was able to receive bank loans that would have been impossible under normal circumstances.

BY KANG JIN-KYU [jkkang2@joongang.co.kr]



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