UK - HERITAGE FACT SHEET 1: the value of the historic environment

The value of the historic environment

We value the historic environment in Britain – as a leisure activity, for its contribution towards making places attractive to live and work, for its historic and cultural interest,  its importance to tourism and for its role in local and national identity.  This value is reflected in the premium that many people are prepared to pay to live in historic houses and areas, the membership of heritage organisations and the hundreds of community groups which exist to safeguard local heritage.

Economic impact of heritage

Heritage plays an important role in times of recovery

Heritage provides perspective and stability, helping us see beyond the current economic crisis. It reminds us of the long term and what we value as a society. It communicates the values of the past, negotiates the values of the present and helps us identify things that we think will be important in the future.  Its popularity and importance to people is seen in the visitor figures for 2009.

Tourism has been identified as a key business sector in the next decade, with the historic environment as perhaps its most important components.

The heritage sector provides a diverse range of employment and business opportunities across the country.

The heritage sector is diverse, employing businesses and individuals with a wide range of skills and knowledge. Visitor attraction staff, archaeologists, conservators, historians, craftspeople, planners, marketing specialists all contribute towards maintaining and promoting our historic environment. 

The historic environment provides employment and business opportunities throughout the country, in some of England’s most deprived areas

The repair and maintenance of existing historic building stock is an important part of the construction industry, gaining increasing importance in the current economic climate.

Repair and maintenance is a vital part of our construction industry, accounting for just under half (43%, £47.2 billion) of all construction output in 2008. Much of this output will be on pre 1919 houses which make up an estimated fifth of all dwellings in England.

Investment in the maintenance and repair of existing housing stock sustains a significantly more direct construction jobs than the equivalent investment in new build. It also supports a far more varied spectrum of businesses, including a higher proportion of SMEs.

Providing people with the skills to get back to work and improve employment opportunities

We are committed to providing employment and training opportunities for those worse hit by the current recession, including young people. Opportunities are available in a wide range of areas, reflecting the diverse nature of our sector.

There is a strong tradition of volunteering in the heritage sector; from conservation, to membership of local amenity societies to involvement in running historic sites. Many volunteering opportunities help develop the skills needed to be an effective member of the workforce.

The heritage sector’s long standing partnership with the construction industry is equipping people with the skills needed to work on historic buildings and ensure the long-term future of our historic buildings.

Contributing to the Climate Change agenda

The existing building stock is vital to our response to climate change. Two thirds of all dwellings likely to be in existence by 2050 will have been built before 2005 and it will take between 130 and 250 years to replace the existing housing stock with new build

Heritage-led regeneration is a success story 

Heritage-led regeneration is often a very successful way of regenerating towns and villages. Unlike other types of regeneration, heritage-led regeneration is not limited in where it can take place. Heritage exists all over England, from rural areas to our urban centres, and a heritage regeneration project can be small scale involving the regeneration of historic gardens and churches to much larger scale such as the regeneration of Brighton sea front or Grainger town in Newcastle. Heritage projects also tend to allocate a higher proportion of project spend to labour, leading to higher indirect impacts for local communities. Heritage-led regeneration projects have many lasting economic and social benefits for individuals and communities. These are highlighted below.

Economic benefits

Social and community benefits

International reputation and tourism

Heritage is a key part of our international reputation – it attracts tourists and investors. It is a significant employer and generator of wealth.

Our historic environment is a key driver in attracting inbound tourists to England. It is also a consideration when British people decide where to holiday in Britain.

The UK is a world leader in the heritage sector, with its skills, knowledge and expertise sought after across the world.

Our heritage is an important factor in attracting businesses and economic migrants to the UK.

The heritage sector is playing a key role in the Cultural Olympiad 2012. Major events such as Discovering Places will introduce more people, including young people, to the historic environment.

Building stronger and more cohesive communities

The historic environment makes people feel more positive about where they live. It creates distinct and special communities, places where people want to work and live. Heritage develops people’s sense of place and local belonging which helps create more cohesive communities.

The historic environment also brings people and communities together. This can be through heritage activities, or by simply providing safe and accessible places where people can meet.

The historic environment contributes towards people’s sense of identity. It is a shared currency which brings individuals, communities and groups together and can help over come inter-generational and cultural differences.

Issues concerning the historic environment are an important avenue through which people become engaged in local decision making.

Heritage makes us feel better, it inspires us

Heritage is inspiring, beautiful and uplifting. That is why so many people visit and volunteer for the historic environment

The historic environment contributes towards our well-being. It helps us feel more positive, happy and connected to others.

The historic environment is attractive to older people, offering opportunities for volunteering and taking an active role in their local community.

A learning experience

The heritage sector provides excellent formal and informal learning experiences for all age groups. Within a context of fewer overall education visits overall, the sector has looked to new innovative ways to deliver learning experiences.

Heritage is accessible to all

Heritage is affordable and great value for money, with many historic places free to visit.

The historic environment provides a varied offer; ranging from historic houses and towns to sites of industrial heritage, or urban social history.

In recent years the sector has undertaken a number of projects to increase participation in under-represented groups.

Historic Review Executive Committee

25 February 2010

Taking Part, DCMS

Heritage Counts 2009

Using mean number of hours volunteered in the last four weeks from Taking Part and the adult minimum wage

Taking Part, DCMS


Private Investment in Culture 2008/09 Headline Figures, Arts and Business, 2010

Private Investment in Culture 2007/08 Arts and Business July 2009

Internal English Heritage performance figures 12/2/2010 accessed 12/2/2010

The Economic Case for the Visitor Economy, Deloitte, 2008

ANHOLT-GMI Nation Brand Index, VB Nov 2007

Economic Impact of the UK heritage tourism economy, Oxford Economics 2009

Skills Needs Analysis of the Built Heritage Sector, National Heritage Training Group 2008

  Valuing our Environment, National Trust

Heritage Counts 2009

ONS Output in the Construction Industry, 3rd quarter 2009, December 2009

Heritage Counts 2008

ONS Output in the Construction Industry, 3rd quarter 2009, December 2009

Traditional Building Craft Skills, National Heritage Training Group 2008

Construction Skills 2008

Construction Statistics Annual: 2008 Edition Statistics for October to December 2007  Office for National Statistics accessed 23/12/2009 accessed 17/2/2010

Taking Part, DCMS

Assessment of the social impact of participation in HLF funded projects, Burns Owens Consulting 2009

Heritage Counts 2009

The Opportunities and Costs of Cutting VAT: The effects of selected reductions in the rate of VAT on the labour element of housing repair, maintenance and improvement (VAT Coalition February 2010)

Heritage Dividends 2002

Economic Impact of HLF projects, Heritage Lottery Fund 2009


Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme at Paignton Final Report 2009 (Torbay Council)

Forest Gate Heritage Economic Regeneration Scheme Evaluation (Urban Practitioners for Newham and English Heritage

Evaluating the Townscape Heritage Initiative, Summary Findings Oxford Brooks University for Heritage Lottery Fund, January 2008

Heritage Counts 2009

Impact of HLF funding 2005-07 Report, Visitor and Neighbourhood Surveys 2005-07, BDRC April 2008

Economic impact of heritage tourism, Oxford Economics, 2009.  This includes museums and green heritage sites as well as visits to the built historic environment

Economic impact of heritage tourism, Oxford Economics, 2009.  This includes museums and green heritage sites as well as visits to the built historic environment and the indirect economic impact resulting from these sectors

ANHOLT-GMI Nation Brand Index, VB Nov 2007


Office for National Statistics, International Passenger Survey/ British Tourism Framework Review, Achieving the Full Potential of the Visitor Economy, p37.

The economic impact of heritage in the North West 2008, Amion Consulting, Locum and Taylor Young Ty

Tourism, Heritage and Museums British Expertise, UK Trade and Investment 2003

Competitive European Cities, Where do the core cities stand? Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, 2004

The Value of Public Space: How high quality parks and public spaces create economic, social and environmental value CABE 2004

Taking Part, DCMS

Sense of place and the historic environment, CURDS and Newcastle University 2009

Impact of HLF funding 2005-07 Report, Visitor and Neighbourhood Surveys 2005-07, BDRC April 2008


Assessment of the social impact of participation in HLF funded projects ( BOP Consulting, 2009)

Faith in England’s Northwest: the contribution made by faith communities to civil society in the region, November 2003

Sense of place and the historic environment, CURDS and Newcastle University 2009

Taking Part, DCMS

Assessment of the social impact of participation in HLF funded projects, Burns Owens Consulting 2009

HLF – Heritage Grants and Your Heritage Programme Evaluation Year 2 Summary Report and Aggregated Completions Report (2004, 2005 & 2006) IPSOS MORI, April 2008


Civic Society Initiative 22/12/2009

Heritage Counts 2008

Heritage Counts 2009

Taking Part, DCMS




Citizenship Survey April 2007 – March 2008, CLG June 2008

Heritage Counts 2009

Taking Part, DCMS

Making Heritage Count, MORI 2003

Heritage Counts 2009

Heritage Open Days, Research Programme 2009, BDRC

Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions 2009, BDRC, percentage likely to be much higher as free attractions are less likely to be staffed and therefore unable to fill in any surveys

Survey of Visits to Visitor Attractions 2008, TNS

Taking Part, DCMS


Heritage Open Days, Research Programme 2009, BDRC

English Heritage Visitor Survey 2008, BDRC

Source: The Heritage Alliance (The Heritage Alliance is an operating name of Heritage Link, Clutha House, 10 Storeys Gate, London SW1P 3AY. Tel 020 7233 0500. Heritage Link is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales no 4577804 and a registered charity no 1094793. © The Heritage Alliance 2010

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