The Bukchon Plan
in English Pages 326-338 |
You can see the original Korean text
of these pages here You can also view an English language interview with David Kilburn about Hanok Preservation here (originally broadcast on KBSWORLD on October 1st 2010) |
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Appendix 4. Legal regulation and examination proposal for Hanok registration system
In order to provide legal procedures for financial aid for the expenses of restorations of hanoks in Bukchon following the enforcement of the hanok registration system, in January 2001 the Seoul municipal construction laws were amended, and in April 2001 Seoul metropolitan regulations regarding financial aid for hanok restorations, etc. were instituted.
The enactment of special regulations continued in the latter half of 2001 in order to complement the problematic points revealed in the early stages of the registration system.
The Seoul City Development Institute supported these efforts to provide and complement legislation regarding the Seoul municipal hanok registration system by preparing the draft of the ordinance and presenting the results of examinations, etc. They prepared the plan to examine the contents of the Seoul municipal laws and regulations regarding the hanok registration system
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서울특별시 건축조례 중 관련조항 (2001. 1. 5 개정) |
Regulation Article No. 3
(Application for Mitigation)
(1) According to Article 6.1.4 the Seoul Metropolitan government's City Mayor (i.e. the Mayor of the Seoul Metropolitan Government) proclaims this area as a "region of traditional hanoks as provided by the construction regulation law." Donhwamun-ro district zoning plan."
2. This area is declared a historical heritage area by the regulation of the urban planning law enforcement ordinance Article _________.
(2) Requests for relief from Article 30.2.1. and any law, order, or regulation set by the Ministry of Construction regarding construction regulation must be submitted with architectural drawings and related documents to the City Mayor and District Mayor [i.e. the Mayor of Chongro-gu / Jongno-gu / Jongro-gu, the administrative district of Seoul where Bukchon is located] who are solely empowered to provide such permits.
(3) The City Mayor and District Mayor who are empowered to grant requests for relief from construction regulations in Article:6.1 must submit the request to a committee that determines whether construction regulations were met and the committee must send their decision to the request applicant within 30 days. However, if additional documents or re-examination is necessary, the committee can make an exception to this.
(4) When the City Mayor and District Mayor reviews the results declared by the committee to decide whether or not to grant the relief request, the City Mayor and District Mayor must determine whether the application for relief infringes as little as possible [upon the construction law].
1. If the property owner or related person cannot abide by the official regulation due to unreasonable circumstances on the land, etc., not caused by the owner's will.
2. If extraordinary physical conditions on the land, etc., cannot abide by the construction regulation.
Article No. 3-2
(Hanok repair with government grant)
The City Mayor can provide necessary grants and loans for new construction, remodeling, large scale repair and repair (repair, etc.) within the historical cultural heritage area as declared by Article: 5.2 for the purpose of maintaining the traditional hanok preservation district only when it will maintain and preserve the traditional authentic architecture and the surrounding area as a historic site. |
Article No. 3-3
(Grant and Loan)
(1) Grants and loans may be awarded as necessary for Repairs, etc. as mentioned in Article No. 3-2 that are suitable to the construction standards ("Hanok Construction Standard") and meet the requirements of construction regulations of Article: 1
1. An existing hanok whose main purpose is as an individual residence house (in the case of multi-purpose building, the building floor area may exceed 50% of the total land area. This will be considered the same)
2. An existing hanok that becomes a small museum, gallery, art studio, social education center, home stay, or individual residence, etc., mentioned in Article 1 and undergoes large-scale repair or repair in order to be opened to the public.
3. A building granted a permit and reported for new construction or remodeling into a traditional hanok
(2) A property owner who wishes to apply for a grant or loan as mentioned in Article 2 must register their building to the City Mayor for a grant or loan.
(3) The City Mayor may provide grants and loans under clause 2 after a Seoul Metropolitan Hanok examination committee makes its review under Article 3-4 to determine whether the recipient should be awarded a grant or loan.
(4) The following clause describes the scope of the grant and loan that may be awarded to a selected recipient as mentioned in clause 3.
1. When large-scale repair or repair is made unto a hanok that falls within the purview of Article 1 Hanok exterior (roof, fence, wall, front door, etc.) : A maximum 30,000,000 won grant may be awarded to subsidize not more 2/3 of the total expense for the exterior of the Hanok; Hanok interior (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) : A maximum of 20,000,000 won may be loaned to subsidize not more that 1/3 of the total expense for the interior of the Hanok
2. A maximum 30,000,000 won grant may be awarded to subsidize not more than 2/3 of the total expenses for large scale repair and repair to the exterior (roof, fence, wall, front door, etc.) and interior (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) of a pre-existing hanok that is to be opened to the public. |
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3. New construction and remodeling into a Hanok.
New construction: A maximum of 60,000,000 won may be loaned to subsidize not more than 1/3 of the total cost of new construction.
Reconstruction: A maximum of 40,000,000 won may be loaned to subsidize not more than 1/3 of the total cost of remodeling
(5) The following article describes the repayment condition and interest rates for loans granted under Article 4.
1. Condition for repayment: repayment may be deferred for 3 years and then repaid in equal installments over a period of 10 years.
2. Interest rate: annual interest rate will be determined up to 5%
(6) The City Mayor may postpone the repayment period of a loan awarded through the review made by the Seoul Metropolitan Hanok examination committee in the case that financial disaster is announced, or a change in the economic condition or a special circumstance of the work.
(7) The City Mayor can consign a bank and financial institution, etc., to handle the loan.
(8) Additional regulations related to grants and loan for repairs, etc., may be determined as necessary in addition to existing regulations from clause 1 through 7.
Article 3-4
(Hanok examination committee establishment and administration)
(1) We proclaim the Seoul Metropolitan Hanok examination committee (Hanok examination committee) whose duty is the preservation of traditional authentic hanoks.
1. To establish and amend the standards for the repairs, etc., of hanoks.
2. To decide the recipients of grants and loans for the repairs, etc., of hanoks.
3. To establish the repayment period in Article 3 clause 6.
4. The other issues raised by the City Mayor for the preservation of hanoks.
(2) The Hanok examination committee must include more than 7 committee members including one chairman and one vice chair. The housing (development) director is the chairman, and the vice chairman is an elected member from the committee.
(3) The members of the Hanok examination committee should be highly knowledgeable and experienced in the areas of architecture, hanoks, culture, art, history, etc., and may also be selected during each Hanok examination committee meeting by the chairman of the committee from among civil servants in related areas.
(4) The Hanok examination committee can invite other civil servants and hanok experts to attend meetings and listen to their advice on matters when necessary.
(5) The Hanok examination committee can provide the funds from the budget for the allowance, traveling expenses, etc. of the committee member and hanok expert in clause 4 who is invited to attend a meeting. However, no expenses will be paid for a civil servant who attends a meeting as part of his civil duty.
(6) Additional regulations for the establishment and administration of the Hanok examination committee may be determined as necessary in addition to existing regulations from clauses 1 through 5.
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Seoul Metropolitan Government Regulations for financial support for Hanok repair, etc. (2001. 4. 20) |
Article 1 (Purpose)
This law is called the Seoul Metropolitan Government construction law ("Law") , whose purpose is to regulate the registration of Hanoks, the funding of grants and loans, the standards of the repair of Hanoks, the establishment and administration of the Seoul Metropolitan Hanok examination committee ("committee") in order to provide grants and loans for the repair of Hanoks under the provisions of Article No. 3-2 through Article No. 3-4.
Article No. 2 (standards for Hanok repair, etc) Law
The standards for the repair, etc., of Hanoks under the provisions of Article No. 3-3 Paragraph No. 1 are as follows.
Article No. 3 (Registration, etc., of Hanoks)
(1) Property owners who wish to receive grants and loans to subsidize expenses for new construction, remodeling, large-scale repair and repair ("repair) of buildings under Law Article No. 3-3 Paragraph No. 1 (excluding the owners of national cultural treasures and municipal cultural treasures under the Cultural Treasure protection law) must apply for the registration of Hanoks and submit related documents to the chairman of self administration ("chairman") .
(2) The chairman who receives a Hanok registration application under the provisions of Clause No. 1 must request Hanok registration from the Seoul Metropolitan City Mayor ("City Mayor") after examining related documents, etc.
(3) City mayor who receives a Hanok registration request under the provisions of Clause No. 2 must examine the related documents, etc., and, if necessary, execute a field survey, etc., to determine whether or not to grant registration, and additionally must deliver the decision for Hanok registration to the applicant. If careful examination is necessary for a building requested for Hanok registration, the City Mayor can decide whether or not to grant registration based on the Committee's study.
(4) When the City Mayor grants Hanok registration under the provisions of Clause No. 3, he must fill out the Hanok registration management register, which he must manage. He may also order field surveys, etc., if necessary to confirm the changes, etc., in the matters of hanok registration, and the recipient of the hanok registration must cooperate.
(5) The City Mayor may revoke hanok registration provided by Clause 3 through the inspection of the Committee if the results of the confirmation provided by Clause 4 determine that a building does not merit hanok registration.
Article 4 (Grants and loans)
(1) An applicant for hanok registration or an owner of hanok registered under the provisions of Article 3 who applies for grants and loans to subsidize expenses for repairs, etc. must first submit application for grants and loans (변경) for hanok repairs, etc., according to clause 4 accompanied by architectural drawings and relevant documents, etc., to the District Mayor 구청장. He must do the same if the plans for repairs, etc., change.
(2) If the District Mayor who has received an application for grants and loans for hanok repair, etc., provided by Clause 1 decides that financial aid is appropriate upon close examination of the architectural drawings and relevant documents, etc., then he must transfer the application for grants and loan for hanok repair, etc., to the City Mayor.
(3) The City Mayor who receives an application for grants and loan for hanok repair, etc., provided by Clause 2 must decide whether or not to provide grants and loans and the amount of the financial aid through an examination of the Committee and send notice to the District Mayor and the owner of the building concerned.
(4) The matters of the examination of the Committee provided by Clause 3 are as follows. 1. Whether or not grants and loans may be considered for a building
2. Whether the scope and plans, etc., for the construction necessary for repairs, etc., is appropriate to hanok repairs, etc.
3. The appropriateness of the estimates for the construction fees necessary for repairs, etc., and the amount of grants and loans
4. Other matters raised by the Chairman of the Committee that should be examined.
(5) The recipient of a grant and loan ("financial aid recipient" ") selected under the provisions of Clause 3 may receive the grant and loan after construction work for the repairs, etc. of the hanok is completed.
Article 5 (Commencement, etc., of repairs, etc.)
(1) Prior to commencing with construction work for repairs, etc., the recipient of financial aid under Article 3 Clause 3 must submit a notice of commencement of repairs, etc., for the hanok to the District Mayor, and the District Mayor must send this notice to the City Mayor.
(2) The City Mayor may have the District Mayor order a field survey to confirm, if necessary, the appropriateness, etc., of the standards of repair, etc. of the hanok for a building undergoing construction work under Clause 1 to decide the appropriateness of grants and loans. And the recipient of financial support and hanok repair person must cooperate.
(3) The City Mayor may give guidance and advice to the recipient of financial support and the hanok repair person for the purpose of hanok preservation, etc. |
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Article 6 (Completion report, etc., of repairs, etc.)
(1) Upon completing repairs, etc., the recipient of financial aid must submit a report of completion of hanok repairs, etc., according to Clause 6 to the District Mayor.
(2) The District Mayor who received a notice of completion provided by Clause 1 must send the examination report and notice of completion to the City Mayor after confirming the appropriateness of the standard of repair, etc., of the hanok through examination of relevant publications and field surveys, etc. However, if the District Mayor must be present during a field survey, then he may conduct the survey with a hanok expert.
(3) When the City Mayor receives the examination report and completion report for hanok repairs, etc. under Clause 2, he must examine the appropriateness, etc., of the standards of repairs, etc., of the hanok through the inspection of the Hanok examination committee and determine the amount of grants and loans, and then provide the grants and loans after sending notice of the financial aid decision to the recipient of financial support.
(4) When the City Mayor provides granted and loans under Clause 3, he may require the recipient of financial support to submit materials necessary for such provisions.
Article 7 (Cancellation of grants and loans)
The City Mayor may cancel any portion and the entirety of a grant and loan under any of the following circumstances.
1. In the case that the recipient of financial support desires cancellation.
2. In the case that he [the recipient of financial support] does not fulfill the conditions of grant and loan provided by Article 4 Clause 3
3. In the case that he [the recipient of financial support] does makes changes to the plans for repairs, etc., approved under the provisions of Article 4 Clause 3 and performs repairs, etc., at his own discretion.
4. In the case that he [the recipient of financial support] violates this regulation and does not perform the official orders sent by the City Mayor.
Article 9 (Loan repayment)
(1) In the case that a bank or financial institution, etc. is consigned the daily affairs of a loan provided by Article 3 Clause 3 Paragraph 7, that bank or financial institution may be held responsible for the repayment of the loan.
(2) The date for loan payment is the last day of the last month of each quarter, but December 20 for the final quarter. |
Article 10 (Management of the Hanok Examination Committee)
(1) The Chairman is in charge of the duties of the Committee and represents the Committee. The Vice Chairman assists the Chairman and acts in his stead if the Chairman is unable to perform his duty.
(2) The Chairman of the Committee summons meetings of the Committee and is the chairman of those meetings. The Meeting of the Committee may convene with more than five committee members including the Chairman and make decisions based on a majority of the committee members in attendance.
(3) The Committee must draw up and keep a record of the minutes from the meeting and its decisions and maintain a secretary to manage the affairs of the Committee who selected by by the Chairman 위원장 from among the members of the assembly 소속지원.
(4) The Committee 위원회 may invite a related civil servant 관계공무원, related expert 관계전문가, planner 설계자, contractor 시공자, etc., to speak at a committee meeting or request materials about the related agency 관계기, party 단체, etc. as it recognizes the need.
(5) The Chairman 위원장 will decide the detailed matters of the management of the Committee 워원회.
Additional Rule
The present regulation shall come into force on and after [as from] the day of promulgation.
* Standard of repairs, etc. of Hanok (related to Article 2)
(1) The standard for each partial repair, etc., for a building registered as a Hanok under Article 4 Clause 3 is as follows.
1. Exterior of the Hanok
가. Roof of the Hanok
(1) The roof must be made of Korean-style roofing tiles joined together in a traditional way.
(2) An appropriate method of construction must be chosen for infrastructure of the roofing tiles while taking into consideration waterproofing, load, etc, and following the method of construction for the roof, only common rafters and additions to these may be established.
(3) The shape of the roof must follow the shape of the plan 평면 and be 맞배지붕, 우진각지붕, 팔작지붕 [three styles types of roofs].
(4) The materials for the awning must be of galvanized iron and copperplate, and the beauty of the curve must be conspicuous in order to achieve the nature of a Hanok. |
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나. Outer wall of the Hanok
(1) The outer wall facing the road consists of the top, middle, and lower parts, where the top part consists of windows and doors 창호 and plastered wall, the middle part consists of red brick and 사고석, and the bottom part consists of 장대석.
(2) If there is a terrace축대 then the stones of the terraces will be laid, etc., separately from the materials of the outer wall.
(3) The upper part of the wooden wall should be exposed, the lower part should be hidden by the outer wall and, as a rule, should not be exposed, although the entire roof may be exposed taking into consideration the neighboring hanok.
(4) The outer wall takes reference from standard examples but is made of 사고석 and white clay 백토 stacked with protruding mortar 내민줄눈 controlled with red 장수, and the white clay 백토 and protruding mortar 내민 줄눈 will be used in decorative patterns of the Buddhist cross 만 ( ) 자, etc.
(5) In the case that a garage, etc., is to be established at the terrace on ground level, then it will be classified as a private plan and decided through an inspection of the Hanok Examination Committee.
다. 한옥의 담장
다. The facade of the wall담장 of the Hanok |
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Seoul municipality regulations ( 안) regarding financial support for hanok repairs, etc.
- Proposal by Seoul Development Institute 서울시정개발연구원 |
1. General rules
ㅇ Purpose
The purpose of the law is to provide for cases that require the enforcement of Article 3-2 through Article 3-4 of the Seoul municipal construction law 서울특별시건축조례.
2. Hanok registration
ㅇ Compensation 대상 of hanok registration
The subject of hanok registration will be the hanok that is the subject of financial aid 보조 and loans 융자 provided by Article 3-3 Clause 1. However, in the case that an inspection by the hanok commission 한옥심사위원회 decides that such cannot be considered a hanok then it is an excepted from this subject.
ㅇ Hanok registration application
The owner of a hanok who desires to register a hanok under Article 3-3 Clause 2 must submit a hanok registration application provided by the Annex 별지 Clause 0.
When the City Mayor 시장 receives a hanok registration application, he must without delay record it in the hanok register한옥등록대장 through an inspection by the hanok commission 한옥심사위원회.
In the case when the City Mayor 시장 registers a hanok, he must send notice to the owner of the hanok and issue a certificate of registration.
ㅇ Examination of a registered hanok
The City Mayor may order an inspection of a hanok for the appropriate preservation and utilization of a registered hanok. The owner who registered the hanok must cooperate with the inspection.
ㅇ Report and guidance of the restoration, etc., of a registered hanok
If the owner of a registered hanok wishes to conduct restoration, etc. he must report it to the City Mayor in advance. However, actions under normal circumstances, insignificant actions, emergency measures due to a state of emergency, actions related to construction and installing underground construction 지하매설 건축물, etc., do not apply.
If the City Mayor receives a report of restoration, etc., on a registered hanok, he may give guidance and counsel to the owner of a registered hanok if he considers necessary for the preservation of the hanok. |
ㅇ Valid period of hanok registration
The valid period of hanok registration is 5 years from the time of registration.
The owner of the registered hanok may not demolish the hanok or make restorations, etc., that violate the standards of hanok restoration, etc., before the valid period of hanok registration expires. However, natural disasters, insignificant alterations, etc. that are considered necessary through an inspection by the hanok commission may be excepted.
ㅇ Cancellation and succession of hanok registration
The City Mayor may cancel registration in a case where the value of preservation is lost.
If there is no refusal to renewal of the valid period of registration of a hanok at the time of expiration, then the registration is renewed when the period expires.
If the owner of the registered hanok changes due to sale of the hanok, the new owner will be considered the successor to the matters of hanok registration, and the succeeding owner must report the matter of this change without delay.
3. Financial aid and loans for hanok restoration, etc.
ㅇ Subject of financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.
The subject able to receive financial aid and loans for restoration, etc., is considered the owner and restorer 수리업자 of the registered hanok for which the financial aid and loan is applied for under Article 3-3 Clause 1. However, the owners of state designated (national) cultural properties, city designated cultural properties, etc., under the Cultural Properties Protection Law are excepted.
The City mayor may make exceptions from the subject of financial aid and loans for restoration, etc., for acts of insignificant restoration of the hanok that fall under each of the following clauses.
- Pasting paper on the window frame
- Applying clay onto sections of the ceiling where the clay has fallen off due to water leakage, etc.
- Replacing sections of damaged tiles to their original form for the prevention of water leakage
- Repairing the dressing room to its original form
- Planting or cutting lawn grass |
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- Dredging the existing drainage
- Straightening sections of crooked tiles on the fence
- Repairing the electric construction and fire fighting equipment
- Repairing the burglar alarm
- Other actions that the City Mayor considers necessary
A hanok that is open to the general public under the provision of Article 3 Clause 1 is applicable to each of the following clauses.
- The whole and parts of the interior of the hanok must be open to the public.
- A single house hanok that is open to the public under Item 2, Paragraph 1, Article 3-3 must be open for a minimum of more than 4 hours per day. However, legal holidays and national holidays may be left to the discretion of the owner of the hanok.
- A hanok that is open to the public under Item 2, Paragraph 1, Article 3-3 must be open for more than 4 hours per day. However, the opening hours may be extended if it is considered necessary for a hanok to be open to the public for longer hours.
- The owner of the hanok that is open to the general public must install a signpost that mentions the owner, opening hours, and all matters considered necessary regarding the whole and part of the space of the hanok.
In the case where the expenses of a hanok that is opened to the public under the provision of Item 2, Paragraph 1, Article 3-3, are for the purpose of profit, financial aid and loans may be restricted through an inspection by the hanok commission.
Application to receive financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.
An applicant who wishes to receive financial aid and loans for hanok restoration, etc., under the provision of Paragraph 2, Article 3-3 must attach documents from each of the following items with an application to receive financial aid and loans for hanok restoration, etc., and submit them to the City Mayor.
- Report of restoration, etc.
- Plan regarding repair and management
- Location map of the hanok, the before-after arrangement plan, ground plan, vertical-sectional plan, cross-sectional plan, color and material sample, photos of the present condition applicable to the restoration of the hanok
- Expectations of required expenses and funds
- Other matters that the City Mayor considers necessary
The City Mayor may appoint a supervisor to supervise the restoration, etc., of the hanok. |
Decision to grant financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.
When the City Mayor receives the aforementioned application, he decides the schedule and amount of financial aid and loans through an examination by the hanok commission.
After the City Mayor decides whether or not to grant financial aid and loans and their schedule and the amount of funding, he must send a notice of his decision to the owner of the hanok.
The City Mayor may attach a stipulation to granting funds if necessary to achieve the purpose of financial aid and loans.
Changes to matters of the application for financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.
The recipient of the notice from the previous article who wishes to make changes to the application or matters mentioned in the attached documents or materials attached to the application must be approved by the City Mayor.
Appointment and arrangements for the repairers of restoration, etc.
If the City Mayor recognizes that the restoration, etc., by the owner of a registered hanok does not contribute to the preservation and conservation of the traditional architectural beauty and the scenic view of the surrounding area, he may specially appoint or recommend a repairer.
Report of completion of restoration, etc.
The owner of the hanok and repairer of the hanok who receives financial aid and loans must, without delay, attach the documents from the following items to the report of completion and submit them to the City Mayor.
- Execution plan books
-Before and after photos of restoration, etc.
- Required expenses and finances
- Copy of the written claim requested by the repairer to the owner of the hanok
- Other materials that the City Mayor considers necessary
Granting financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.
When the City Mayor has the report of completion of the restorations of the preceding article, he must, without delay, appoint hanok commission and ex |
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If the City Mayor considers a case appropriate to the standards of hanok restoration, etc., he must set the amount of financial aid and loans and send notice to the owner of the registered hanok and the repair person, and grant the sum of financial aid.
If the City Mayor considers it necessary, he may order an inspection or require a report from the recipient of financial aid and loans regarding matters necessary to granting funds.
O Interest rates of loans for restoration, etc.
The City Mayor decides the interest rate under the provision of Item 5, Paragraph 3, Article 3-3 within the limits of 5% per annum through a deliberation by the hanok advisory committee.
O Cancellation, etc. of financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.
Under any of the following circumstances, the City Mayor may cancel financial aid and loans in part or in whole and require the recipient of financial aid to repay any part or the entirety of financial aid and loans already granted.
- If financial aid and loans are used for other purposes.
- If financial aid and loans are received in illegitimate ways and the stipulations and contents of the decision to grant financial aid and loans are violated
- If one is considered unsuitable to be the subject of financial aid and loans
- If the provisions of this law are violated. |
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Regulations about registration and support of hanok |
Explanation |
Remarks |
Article 1 (purpose)
In order to preserve the traditional hanok, the purpose of this regulation is set the articles about supporting of registration of hanok, new construction, reconstruction and remodeling of hanok. |
In order to preserve the traditional hanok, the purpose of this regulation is set the articles about supporting of registration of hanok, new construction, reconstruction and remodeling of hanok.
This regulation applies to the hanok in area designated and announced by Mayor according to Seoul City Architecture regulation 제3조 제1항.
Owner of hanok can register according to rules.
Support for registrant of hanok
(1) For the required case to preserve hanok, Mayor can support fund or loan out to registered owner of hanok within the limit of budget.
(2) Mayor or the chief of a ward can support registrant of hanok by means of free of charge, reduced fare to use public facilities,or supporting expenses. |
Article 2 (extent of application)
Among each article number 1 of followings, this regulation applies to the hanok designated and announced by Mayor as traditional hanok area,
1. Historical, cultural, aesthetic areas
2. In-Sa-Dong district planning zone
3. Preservation zone of historic building |
Article 3 (hanok registration)
(1) Owner of hanok can register according to rules.
(2) Valid period of hanok registration is 5 years.
(3) After expiration of registration period, if it is not reported, that case would be considered to re-registered.
(4) If the owner of registered hanok is changed, new owner would succeed all matters about registration and report the alteration to Mayor immediately. |
Article 4 (financial support for applicant of hanok registration)
(1) For the required case to preserve hanok, Mayor can support fund or loan out to registered owner of hanok within the limit of budget.
(2) Mayor or the chief of a ward can support registrant of hanok by means of free of charge, reduced fare to use public facilities,or supporting expenses. |
Article 5 (Recipient of financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.)
(1) In terms of rules of 4.1, aid fund or loan should be given to the building to suit the criterion of rules and each article number 1 of followings.
1. As an existing hanok, the main purpose of the building is for the single resident. (Case of multi purpose is that total floor area is greater than 50 % of total area.)
2. As an existing hanok,the main purpose of building is for the small museum, studio, boarding house to experience the culture ,or home stay. |
Article 5 (Recipient of financial aid and loans for restoration, etc.)
(1) In terms of rules of 4.1, aid fund or loan should be given to the
building to suit the criterion of rules and each article number 1 of followings.
1. As an existing hanok, the main purpose of the building is for the single resident. (Case of multi purpose is that total floor area is greater than 50 % of total area.)
2. (from followings name it open styled? hanok) As an existing hanok,the main purpose of building is for the small museum, studio, boarding house to experience the culture or home stay; building to open entire building or part of the building to public regularly; building recognized by examining committee of hanok |
Revised Rule
-opening hours
-opening area :2/3 to greater than 2/3 of total building area) |
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Regulations about registration and support of hanok |
Explanation |
Remarks |
3. Building of usage approved from examine committee of hanok (hanok Judging Committee)
4. permitted or reported building for new construction or remodeling (reconstruction)
(2) In order to get aid or loan to repair (or remodel) hanok, the owner of hanok should apply according to the regulation, the Mayor should make decision through the examine committee of hanok in Seoul according to the regulation of article 8, for whether or not aid, loan, and the amount of fund. |
3. Existing hanok Building of usage approved from examining committee of hanok (hanok Judging Committee)
4. permitted or reported building for new construction or remodeling (reconstruction)
(2) In order to get aid or loan to repair (or remodel) hanok, the owner of hanok should apply according to the regulation, the Mayor should make decision through the examine committee of hanok according to the regulation of article 9, for whether or not aid, loan, and the amount of fund. |
Article 6 (subsidy or loan for repair)
(1) the limits for aid or loan to repair hanok is explained at each number 1
1. reconstruction or repair of existing hanok
Within the limit of under 2/3 of expense the maximum amount of aid will be up to 30,000,000 won, within the limit of under 1/3 of expense the maximum amount of aid will be up to 20,000,000 won.
hanok interior (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) : maximum loan up to 20,000,000 won
2. If the case of the main purpose of hanok is for the small museum, studio, boarding house to experience the culture ,or home stay, the maximum loan amount would be up to 20,000,000 won for the reconstruction or repair the interior.
3. In the case of the existing hanok which is recognized (approved) by the examine committee of hanok: the loan would be up to 30,000,000 won within the limit of 2/3 of cost to repair exterior.
4. new construction or reconstruction of hanok
maximum loan is up to 60,000,000 won within the 1/3 of expense
maximum loan is up to 40,000,000 won within the 1/3 of expense
(2) In the case of article 2, if the main purpose of hanok is changed or closed within 5 years, the subsidy would be returned or transferred to loan by the decision of the examining committee of hanok. But, the case directed by Mayor would be excepted.
(3) The Mayor can consign the loan business to bank for repair of hanok. |
Article 6 (subsidy or loan for repair)
(1) the limits for aid or loan to repair hanok is explained at each number 1
1. reconstruction or repair for building of 5.1.1 >
가. within the limit of under 2/3 of expense the maximum amount of aid will be up to 30,000,000 won, within the limit of under 1/3 of expense the maximum amount of aid will be up to 20,000,000 won.
hanok interior (kitchen, bathroom, etc.) : within the limit of under 1/3 of expense the maximum loan will be up to 20,000,000 won.
2. in the case of big reconstruction or repair the exterior or interior of 5.1.2 open style hanok in order to open to the public, the maximum aid would be given up to 30,000,000 won.
3. building according to5.1.3: the maximum aid would be up to 30,000,000 won within the limit of 2/3 of cost to repair exterior.
4. building according to 5.1.4
new construction: maximum loan is up to 60,000,000 won within the 1/3 of expense
reconstruction : maximum loan is up to 40,000,000 won within the 1/3 of expense
5. for the planning expense of the building according to, maximum aid would be 3,000,000 won.
(2) within the period of valid registration date the amount of aid or loan can not exceed the maximum limit determined in 6.1
(3) The Mayor can consign the loan business to bank for repair of hanok. It is same as 1 |
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Regulations about registration and support of hanok |
Explanation |
Remarks |
Article 7 (repayment of loan for repair)
(1) condition of repayment and interest to repair hanok are based on each article
1. repayment period : equal installment plan repay in 10 years with a 3 year grace period
2. interest rate : will be fixed in the limit of annual rate 5%, the processing fee to the bank will be set separately by agreement with bank.
(2) Despite regulation 1,the Mayor can extend the repayment period for the existing loan or future loan through examined by the examining committee of hanok in case of special need required such as disaster, change of economy condition, or other special change of condition. |
Violation of the rule of repairing hanok is prohibited. But, it will be excepted by the recognized by Mayor, such as disaster.
(2) The owner of hanok who get aid or loan in terms of the regulation of can not change or close the purpose before the registration valid date end.
(3) In case conformed to 1.2 , according to 6.1 the aid or loan should be returned. |
Revised |
Article 8 (examining committee of hanok establishment, management)
(1) Examining committee of hanok is set in order to examine the following matters about preservation of traditional hanok, when the case is required small committee with more than 3 committee members can be formed and managed by the authorization from committee.
1. 한옥 수선 (repair) 등 기준 (rule) 의 수립 (set, form) 변경 (change, alteration) 에 관한 사항 (item, matter)
2.한옥수선등에 필요한 자금의 보조 (aid of fund) 또는 융자대상 (recipient of loan) 의 선정 (selection) 에 관한 사항
3.제7조 제2항의규정 regulation 에 의한 상환기간 (period of repayment) 연장 (extend) 에 관한 사항
4.기타 (etc. other) 시장 mayor 이 한옥의 보전 preserve과 관련하여related 부의 (refer?) 하는 사항
(2) 한옥심사위원회는 위원장 (chairman of the committee) 과 부위원장 (vice chairman) 각 1인을 포함한 (include) 7인이상의 위원 (more than 7 committee member) 으로 구성하며, 위원회의 위원장은 주택국장 (chairman of the housing department) 이 되고 부위원장은 위원 중에서 호선 (elect, vote, elect by mutual) 한다. |
Article 8 Repair and loan repayment
(1) condition of repayment and interest to repair hanok are based on each article
1. repayment period : equal installment plan repay in 10 years with a 3 year grace period
2. will be fixed in the limit of annual rate 5%, the processing fee to the bank will be set separately by agreement with bank.
(2) Nevertheless of regulation of 제1항, Mayor can extend the repayment period for the existing loan or future loan through examined by the examining committee of hanok in case of special need required such as disaster, change of economy condition, or other special change of condition.
Examining committee of hanok is set in order to examine the following matters about preservation of traditional hanok, when the case is required small committee with more than 3 committee members can be formed and managed by the authorization from committee.
1. 한옥 수선 (repair) 등 기준 (rule) 의 수립 (set, form) 변경 (change, alteration) 에 관한 사항 (item, matter)
2.한옥수선등에 필요한 자금의 보조 (aid of fund) 또는 융자대상 (recipient of loan) 의 선정 (selection) 에 관한 사항
3.제8조 제2항의규정 regulation 에 의한 상환기간 (period of repayment) 연장 (extend) 에 관한 사항
4.기타 (etc. other) 시장mayor 이 한옥의 보전preserve과 관련하여related 부의 (refer?) 하는 사항
(2) 한옥심사위원회는 위원장 (chairman of the committee) 과 부위원장 (vice chairman) 각 1인을 포함한 (include) 7인이상의 위원 (more than 7 committee member) 으로 구성하며, 위원회의 위원장은 주택국장 (chairman of the housing department) 이 되고 부위원장은 위원 중에서 호선 (elect, vote, elect by mutual) 한다. |
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Regulations about registration and support of hanok |
Explanation |
Remarks |
( 3 ) The member of examining Committee of hanok should be the person who has full of knowledge and experience of architecture, hanok, culture, art and history, or who is requested or designated by the chairman of examining Committee of hanok whenever each meeting to be held among related government officer.
( 4 ) Examining Committee of hanok can invite the related government officer or hanok specialist for the advice ( or opinion ) to the meeting ( conference )
( 5 ) Member of Examining Committee of hanok or invited specialist according to 제4항 can be paid the fee of compensation and transportation expense. But, government officer who participate as related duty can not be paid.
( 6 ) Other necessary items related to establishment and management of examining committee of hanok is set as rules.
Article 9 ( 시행규칙 ) 이 조례 ( regulations, rules, a law,and act, an ordinance ) 의 시행 ( enforcement, carry out ) 에 관하여 필요한 사항은 규칙으로 정한다. |
( 3 ) The member of examining Committee of hanok should be the person who has full of knowledge and experience of architecture, hanok, culture, art and history, or who is requested or designated by the chairman of examining Committee of hanok whenever each meeting to be held among related government officer.
( 4 ) Service term of the member who is not government office of examining committee of hanok is 2 years, can be reappointed,and service term of substitute member is the remaining period of the former member.
( 5 ) The member of examining Committee of hanok should be the person who has full of knowledge and experience of architecture, hanok, culture, art and history, or who is requested or designated by the chairman of examining Committee of hanok whenever each meeting to be held among related government officer.
( 6 ) Examining Committee of hanok can invite the related government officer or hanok specialist for the advice ( or opinion ) to the meeting ( conference )
( 7 ) Member of Examining Committee of hanok or invited specialist according to 제4항 can be paid the fee of compensation and transportation expense. But, government officer who participate as related duty can not be paid.
Article 9 ( 시행규칙 ) 이 조례 ( regulations, rules, a law,an act, an ordinance ) 의 시행 ( enforcement, carry out ) 에 관하여 필요한 사항은 규칙으로 정한다. |
additional rules
( 1 ) ( 시행일 ) 이 조례는 공포 ( declare ) 한 날부터 시행한다.
( 2 ) ( 경과조치progress measures ) 이 조례 시행 전에 등록된 한옥에 대하여는 이 조례에 의한다.
< The hanok registered before this act will be based on ( depend on ) this act.>
( 3 ) ( 다른 조례의 개정 amendment ) 서울특별시건축조례 ( architecture regulation ) 중 다음과 같이 개정한다.
제3조의 2내지 제3조의 4는 이를 삭제 ( delete ) 한다 |
additional rules
( 1 ) ( 시행일 ) 이 조례는 공포 ( declare ) 한 날부터 시행한다.
( 2 ) ( 경과조치progress measures ) 이 조례 시행 전에 등록된 한옥에 대하여는 이 조례에 의한다.
< The hanok registered before this act will be based on ( depend on ) this act.>
( 3 ) ( 다른 조례의 개정amendment ) 서울특별시건축조례 ( architecture regulation ) 중 다음과 같이 개정한다.
제3조의 2내지 제3조의 4는 이를 삭제 ( delete ) 한다 |
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