The Bukchon Project
Report Cover

This document, published in 2001 by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, describes in detail their original plan for the preservation and conservation of Bukchon. The plan was prepared following a detailed architectural survey of the district and envisaged conducting repairs to old houses to restore their original character while, at the same time, making them suitable for modern life. In doing this, the planners intended to retain the original architectural styles and use authentic materials and techniques. This plan was the foundation for securing KRW 80 Billion of public money for the first stage of the project.

However, as soon as the money had been obtained, the plan was abandoned and permission was given to firms such as Jaho and Terra Architects & Engineers to completely demolish the hanoks in large areas of Kahoi Dong  and erect new buildings.

We are putting this document into the public domain so that people can contrast, with their own eyes, the difference between what was approved and what has, in fact, been allowed to happen.

  You can view an English language interview with David Kilburn about Hanok Preservation here (originally broadcast on KBSWORLD on October 1st 2010)