Kim Ki-Duk selects our Hanok for "Bin Jip"

한국어 번역 - 클릭

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Kim Ki-Duk
Seung-Yeon Lee
Still from Bin Jip

Kim Ki-Duk

Actress Seung-Yeon Lee during the filming of Bin Jip at our house

On June 24th 2004 we were approached by the film maker Kim Ki-Duk. He was looking for a hanok to film scenes of his new film, “Bin jip’’ (“빈집”) Mr. Kim explained the nature of his film to me, and said he was looking for a hanok in Kahoi Dong that captured the Korean spirit. He felt our house was the most suitable and I immediately agreed to co-operate fully with him. Kim Ki-Duk eventually won the Silver Lion for best director at the end of the 11-day Venice Film Festival in 2004 for “Bin Jip.’’ He also took the same award at the Berlin Film Festival in February. Venice and Berlin, along with the Cannes Film Festival, are the world’s three major film festivals.

David Kilburn

Note: The official English name for the film is "3-Iron;" the Korean phrase “빈집” literally translates as "Empty House."

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