Protection - Laws, Regulations, Pronouncements

There are a number of laws and regulations enacted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government designed to protect the hanoks of Bukchon from demolition and preserve the traditional character of the area, dating back to the 1970's.

In addition, the Bukchon Plan introduced a number of regulations designed to safeguard the administration of the plan, you can read details of these here.

The Plan also discusses the historical background and the problems faced in previous attempts to preserve the area. You can read this here.

When new buildings are erected, the provisions of Korea's Construction Laws are supposed to apply to the new building.


전통한옥밀집지역 지정공고    

Traditional "Hanok gathering area" designated 

Date :  2001. 11. 05 

Based on Law and Regulations 

역사문화미관지구 및 인사동 지구단위계획구역에 대하여 
Historical Cultured Beauty Area and Insa-dong area plan

건축법시행령 제6조제1항제4호  및
서울특별시건축조례 제3조제1항의 규정

Traditional Hanok Gathering area, 

paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Enforcement Decree of 4 Building Act,  set out and

Paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Building Act 



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